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119 résultats
Filtres actifs:
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Nuttall's Woodpecker
Ridgway's Rail During King Tide
Lazuli Bunting (m)
Cooper's Hawk (immature)
Northern Mockingbird
Oak Titmouse (immature)
Western Bluebird Enjoying A Pill Bug
Oak Titmouse
Bullock's Oriole (m)
Barn Swallow (juvenile) Waiting For Parents To Feed It
Willet (non-breeding Plumage)
Oak Titmouse
Golden-crowned Sparrow (immature)
Bewick's Wren
Bullock's Oriole (m)
Bell's Sparrow
Lincoln's Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Hutton's Vireo (juvenile)
Spotted Sandpiper (non-breeding Plumage)
Hutton's Vireo
Bell's Sparrow
Bewick's Wren
Bewick's Wren
Hutton's Vireo
Golden-crowned Sparrow (Immature)
American Crow
Allen's/Rufous Hummingbird (f)
Bewick's Wren
Western Bluebird
Brewer's Sparrow
Western Bluebird
Bewick's Wren
Pacific-slope Flycatcher
Hutton's Vireo
Cooper's Hawk (immature)
Western Bluebird Taking A Bath
Bewick's Wren
White-breasted Nuthatch
Lazuli Bunting (m)
Bewick's Wren
Wrentit Amongst Poison Oak
Bushtit (m)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (m)
Warbling Vireo
Hooded Merganser (m)
Western Bluebirds
Western Bluebird (m)
Townsend's Warbler (m)
Willow Flycatcher
Song Sparrow
Pacific-slope Flycatcher
Song Sparrow
Anna's Hummingbird (f)
Hermit Thrush
Pacific-slope Flycatcher
Song Sparrow
Downey Woodpecker (f)
Hermit Thrush In The Rain
Western Bluebird (f)
Western Bluebird (f)
Western Bluebird (f)
White-breasted Nuthatch
Song Sparrow Enjoying An Aphid Feast
Western Bluebird (immature)
Northern Mockingbird
Northern Mockingbird
Allen's Hummingbird (m)
Fox Sparrow (Sooty)
Western Bluebird (f)
Hooded Oriole (immature)
American Redstart (immature Male)
Say's Phoebe
American Robin
Townsend's Warbler
Downy Woodpecker (m)
White-breasted Nuthatch
American Robin
California Towhee
Hutton's Vireo
California Thrasher
Pacific-slope Flycatcher
Hermit Warbler
Hermit Thrush
Fox Sparrow (Sooty)
Northern Mockingbird
Say's Phoebe
Western Meadowlark
California Quail (m)
California Quail (m)
Black Turnstone (breeding Plumage)
Say's Phoebe
Townsend's Warbler
Band-tailed Pigeon Couple
Song Sparrow
Pacific-slope Flycatcher