Friends 10: DIscovery One Corridor
" Care for the one who shares with you, share with the one who knows you, know the one who MISSES you, MISS the one who WELL WISHES for you..."
A friend is someone who is there for you when he'd rather be somewhere else...
Who is up
One who walks alone can sometimes reach places that no one has ever reached.
Tea with friends, and one must wear one's finest hat!
Tea with friends, and one must wear one's finest hat!
With friends
In memory of one of the rare Elephant Twins, who died this week. Amboseli National Park
The One
no one there
The One
And then there was one!
One down
The one
One down
As One
One on One
i'm not who i was
Who knows?
This Is Who We Are
Who Goes There..?
Who I Am Without You
Who are You?
Fries And Friends
Autumn's friend
good friends
Elijah & Friends
Friends of the courtyard
silhouettes of friends
silhouettes of friends
Bubblegum and Friends
Friend not food
Friends on a boat
Friends Forever
Canine and Friend
Who's looking at who?
The girl who loved books
Benches... Who needs 'em?
Who da man?
New friend
New friends!
#friendsforever, #friends
Mermaid and Friends
Friend Portrait
Furry Friends
Circle of Friends