Taking a Chance
Taking it all in...
Taking a Break
taking a breather
Taking a break
nature is taking over
Taking a break.
Taking a break
Taking it all in.....
Taking Blood in Medical laboratory
Holding smartphoneand taking picture
A Plum Headed Parakeet Taking Off
A Plum Headed Parakeet Taking Off
Nature Taking Back
Greylag geese taking a rest
A Black Winged Kite Taking Off
A Tawny Bellied Babbler Taking Off
A Eurasian Collared Dove taking Off
A Chestnut-Bellied Sandgrouse taking Off
Taking Care of My Dog
Taking a Dip Bengal Tiger
Just taking a look
Northern Pintails taking flight
otter taking a splash
A Common Iora taking off
A Jesus Bird taking off
A Purple Sunbird taking off
A Montagu's Harrier Taking Flight
A Steppe Eagle taking flight
An Oriental Honey buzzard taking off
A Flock of Flamingoes taking flight
Holding smartphoneand taking picture
Taking seagulls at sunset
Western Bluebird taking a bath
Taking the Low Road
A Great Cormorant taking off
A Purple Sunbird Taking Off
A Eurasian Hoopoe taking a sandpath
Take off!
Come on
Come down
They are coming
Man taking photo of a building
A Red Panda taking a sleep
A Dragon Fly taking a break
A Grey Heron Taking Off from a Perch
A Spot Billed Duck taking off
A Green Bee Eater Taking Off
A Purple Heron taking off from the road
A Little Stint taking flight
A Yellow Bittern taking flight
A Garganey taking flight