It could have easily been me.
You Must Have Been Bored?
Tell Me, Where Have You Been?
Every soul being has 5 guides among 50 - Cicas Revoluta - IMG_1904-003
Have you already been to your regular teeth inspection?
Ha Ha Ha Ha
Spring has come
Santa has a new home
Evening has Come
Everything And Nothing Has Changed
Spring has Sprung
The time has come
It has awakened against you
Gretchen has a nap (again)
NS-01412 - Has a Engine...
User Has New Email
The Polar Vortex Has Arrived!
"The time has passed"
The dipper has something to say.
User Has New Email
Houston - The bird has landed!
Your doom has come
A New Day Has Come
...has come and gone
The Eagle Has Landed
The time has gone past
The time has come
Every cloud has a silver lining
Starting on their journey, that has just begun
Morning has broken like the 1st morning
Morning Has Broken Like the First Morning...
Spring has sprung - very early
The joy of our hearts has ceased
Somebody "Hearts" the Beach
I Think Somebody Needs A Manicure!
Being watched
Being spotted
The girl who has lost her suitcase to the airport
Love will travel as far as you get it. It has no limits...
Style - The Time Has Come For My Dreams To Be Heard
Who has the key to my rusty heart?
A horrible and shocking thing has happened in the land
Being watched
The rose has thorns only for those who would gather it
"Jennifer the Giraffe" MY sweet Jennifer has a new home!!!!! She SOLD
"There's no need for a piece of sculpture in a home that has a cat." ~Wesley Bates
Turkey (Mudurnu) Only one stem has red leaves
Lately I've been, I've been losing sleep
Cat - Being attentive IMG_4791
Were You Ever There
Being hot never hurts!!
Life's Been Good